HOME-ARP Allocation Plan – HUD Approved






The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARP”) appropriated $5 billion to communities across the U.S. to provide housing, services, and shelter to individuals experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations. These funds were allocated by formula to jurisdictions that qualified for funding through the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME Program) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This special round of funding is called the “HOME-ARP” program.

In September 2021, HUD awarded the MHC $38,094,321 in HOME-ARP funds.

Eligible activities that may be funded with HOME-ARP include:
(1) Rental Housing: development and support of affordable housing;
(2) Tenant-Based Rental Assistance;
(3) Supportive Services: (such as housing counseling, homelessness prevention, child care, job training, legal services, case management, moving costs, rental applications, and rent assistance); and
(4) Non-congregate shelter units- acquisition and development.

Funds must primarily benefit individuals and households in the following qualifying populations:
• Experiencing homelessness
• At risk of homelessness
• Fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking
• Other populations with high risk of housing instability (including households that are low-income and highly cost-burdened; that have moved two or more times in the last 60 days; and that are living in a hotel/motel)

The purpose of this survey is to garner feedback from stakeholders and community members on how MHC should use its allocation of HOME-ARP funds. MHC will use the feedback to help determine a process for allocating the State’s HOME-ARP funds.

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