Specialized Housing
The Home4All program is designed to assist people to become homeowners by providing up to $25,000 in homebuyer assistance. You MUST contact the housing counseling agency in your area before proceeding. You MUST complete the homebuyer education process with a housing counseling agency BEFORE any loan can be reserved. IF you do not have a certificate of completion from the counseling agency, you will not be able to proceed with a loan reservation for this grant program.
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program provides outreach, shelter, rapid re-housing, homelessness prevention and related services to persons experiencing homelessness or persons in danger of becoming homeless throughout the state. This program is specifically designed to be the first step in a continuum of assistance which will enable homeless individuals and families to move toward independent living as well as prevent future homelessness.
Creating Housing Options In Communities for Everyone (CHOICE) Program
A Partnership between Mississippi Home Corporation, Mississippi Department of Mental Health, Mississippi Division of Medicaid, and Mississippi's Community Mental Health Centers. CHOICE provides rental assistance to make housing affordable for individuals with serious mental illness. Community Mental Health Centers provide services appropriate to the individual based on their individual needs.
Housing Opportunities for Persons With Aids (HOPWA)
The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds may be used for a wide range of housing, social services, program planning, and development costs. These include, but are not limited to, the acquisition; rehabilitation; or new construction of housing units; costs for facility operations; rental assistance; and short-term payments to prevent homelessness. An essential component in providing housing assistance for this targeted special needs population is the coordination and delivery of support services. Consequently, HOPWA funds also may be used for services including (but not limited to) assessment and case management, substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, nutritional services, job training and placement assistance, and assistance with daily living.
Developing Responsible Individuals with Valuable Education (DRIVE) Program
Developing Responsible Individuals with Valuable Education (DRIVE) Program offers housing and job training for individuals who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness. In 2020, the Mississippi Home Corporation (MHC) and the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) began a partnership to increase ridership on public transportation across the state. Initially, the focus was to expand services to residents that lived in public housing authorities and tax credit apartments. In addition to transportation, other needs came into focus. The need for gainful training and employment among those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. To address this need, MHC, MDOT, Grace House, and other organizations have joined forces to provide needed services to these individuals.
HOME-ARP Program
To address the need for homelessness assistance and supportive services, Congress appropriated ARP funds to be administered through HOME to perform four activities that must primarily benefit qualifying individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or in other vulnerable populations.
Federal Grants Office Hours
State Federal Grants Office Hours is a series of virtual office hours and training sessions where MHC program participants will receive program-relevant information and can ask questions related to federal housing programs administered by MHC.
These office hour sessions are intended for sub-recipients of MHC federal grants or agencies that are interested in applying for federal funding through MHC.
Officer Hours recordings and materials will be posted to the MHC website within a week of the session.