Housing Trust Fund
Funding is designated for the production, preservation, rehabilitation, or operation of rental housing. HTF will address the affordable rental housing needs for extremely low (30 % of AMI) and very low-income (50% AMI) households, while giving priority to projects that address critical housing needs with an emphasis on the prevention, reduction, and expansion of permanent housing opportunities for persons experiencing homelessness and persons with serious mental illness.
Organizations eligible to receive funding through the National Housing Trust Fund are non-profit and for-profit organizations with demonstrated development and capacity in creating, rehabilitating, or preserving affordable housing. The eligible activity is the construction or rehabilitation of the rental property. Eligible project types are multi-family and single-family rental housing.
MHC will use a ranking process to select projects for funding. Higher preference will be given to applicants that incorporate significant funding from other sources such as LIHTC and other federal and local housing programs. The maximum award per applicant will be determined by reviewing the financial feasibility of the project including operating revenues.
Plan Priorities
Rental housing needs of extremely low-income households, with incomes between 0 and 30 percent of Area Median Income (AMI).
Target at least 10% of units in each property to address prevention, reduction, and expansion of permanent housing opportunities for persons experiencing homelessness and persons with disabilities targeted under Mississippi’s Olmstead Initiative.
Be located within priority areas defined by the State’s Consolidated Plan and/or low and high opportunity areas.
Documented need for rental housing affordable to extremely low-income households in the market area served by the property.
Maximum Award
The maximum HTF awarded per applicant and per project will be determined by performing a subsidy layering review which involves reviewing the applicant’s sources and uses, development costs, debt service coverage, and operating revenues.
Other Funding Sources
HTF funds are to be combined with other federal and non-federal sources to produce and preserve affordable units such as HOME funds, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, and Tax-Exempt Bonds with Housing Tax Credits. Fifty percent (50%) or greater of aggregate basis shall be financed by tax‐exempt bonds.
Applications Process
The application process consists of three steps:
- Completeness Review – The application must include all the required forms, certifications, and documentation.
- Threshold Review - An application must meet all threshold requirements to be eligible for reservation of HTF funds.
- Application Scoring – An application must score at least 75 on a 100-point scale to be considered for an HTF Award. Applications are scored based on selection criteria.
#24-004: 2024 HTF Application Rating Form (08/7/2024)
#23-004: 2023 Income & Rent Limits (06/15/2023)
#23-003: NOFA (06/13/2023)
#23-002: Appeals Process (2/24/2023)
#23-001: Waivers for 9% LIHTC Developments applying for HOME and/or HTF funds (2/23/2023)
Staff Contacts
Kim Stamps
Assistant Vice President of Grants Management
Jamie Bouie
Housing Grant Officer
Already Awarded?
HTF Rental Post-Loan Closing Checklist
The Initial Compliance Monitoring Review
Exhibit 1 - Quarterly Construction Status Report Form
Exhibit 2 - Section 3 Quarterly Report
Exhibit 3 - MHC MBE & WBE Quarterly Report
Exhibit 4 - Physical Inspection Request Form
Exhibit 5 - MHC Request for Cash
Exhibit 6 - HTF Project-Set Up & Report-Form
Exhibit 7 - W-9 Form
Exhibit 8 - ACH Credit Authorization Form
Exhibit 9 - Project Completion Schedule
2023 Application Workshop
HTF Priority Areas Map
HTF Page - HUD Exchange
Housing Trust Fund: Interim Rule
Requirements for HTF Environmental Provisions
Environmental Provisions
Fact Sheet
Construction and Rehab Standards
Maximum Subsidy Limits
Violence Against Women Act of 2013
Rental Set Up And Completion Form