HOME Investment Partnership Program

The HOME Investment Partnership Program, "HOME Program", provides safe, decent, affordable housing for very-low and low-income citizens. The HOME Program is governed by 24 CFR Part 92 and other federal cross-cutting regulations. The activities funded by the HOME Program include homebuyer assistance, homeowner rehabilitation, substantial rehabilitation of multi-family rental units, and new construction of multi-family rental units.


Homeowner Rehabilitation

Homeowner Rehabilitation funding is provided through a competitive process where local units of government identify households and submit information to be reviewed. Applications are ranked according to rating factors identified in the Program Policy and Procedures Manual and those applications that rank within the funding range available will receive HOME funding.

Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs)

The HOME Regulations require that at least 15% of the total HOME allocation be set-aside for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs). This funding provides eligible non-profit organizations that act in the capacity of Owner and/or Developer to undertake HOME activities in the development of low-income housing or substantial rehabilitation of multi-family rental units.

HOME Rental

HOME Rental benefits low and very low-income households by funding the construction or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing. Applications are accepted from for-profit and non-profit organizations with the capacity and demonstrated experience in producing/developing affordable housing. Income and Rent limits apply to housing units funded through Rental. These limits are updated annually and limits are based on the location and size of households.

Disaster Recovery Program

Provides housing assistance to counties covered by an Emergency or Major Disaster Declaration issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The disaster declaration must have been issued on or after January 1, 2020. The Program uses 2020 Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) funds awarded to the State by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

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