Rental Development
Housing Trust Fund
Address the affordable rental housing needs for extremely low and very low-income households, while giving priority to projects that address critical housing needs with an emphasis on the prevention, reduction, and expansion of permanent housing opportunities for persons experiencing homelessness and persons with serious mental illness.
HOME Rental
Part of the HOME Investment Partnership Program. Benefits low and very low-income households by funding construction or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing. Applications are accepted from for-profit and non-profit organizations with the capacity and demonstrated experience in producing/developing affordable housing.
Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO)
Part of the HOME Investment Partnership Program. Funding provides eligible non-profit organizations that act in the capacity of Owner and/or Developer to undertake HOME activities in the development of low-income housing or substantial rehabilitation of multi-family rental units.
HOME-ARP Program
To address the need for homelessness assistance and supportive services, Congress appropriated ARP funds to be administered through HOME to perform four activities that must primarily benefit qualifying individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or in other vulnerable populations.