Initial/Quarterly Construction Status Report Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 4Instructions The Quarterly Construction Status Report must be submitted on a quarterly basis until the Owner reports that the development has been placed in service and copies of the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or Certificate of Substantial Completion and Building/Unit Set-up Forms for all buildings have been submitted to MHC’s Allocation Department. Information pertaining to the development must be current and consistent with the original application unless a request for change has been approved by MHC. Failure to receive prior approval for any changes may result in a one-year suspension from participation in the program. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in a $100 per day penalty fee. The Initial Construction Status Report is required for all developments that receive a reservation letter for an award of Housing Tax Credits. The report must be submitted to MHC within 90 days of receiving the award. Information pertaining to the development must be current and consistent with the original application unless a request for change has been approved by MHC. Failure to receive prior approval for any changes may result in a one-year suspension from participation in the program. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in a $100 per day penalty fee. Reporting QuarterJanuary 1 - March 31 (due April 15)April 1 - June 30 (due July 15)July 1 - September 30 (due October 15)October 1 - December 31 (due January 15)Initial Status ReportReporting YearDEVELOPMENT INFORMATIONDevelopment NumberOwnership EntityDevelopment NameContact NamePhoneEmailUNITS/BUILDINGS INFORMATIONNumber of HTC UnitsNumber of Market UnitsNumber of Staff UnitsTotal Number of UnitsNumber of Residential BuildingsNumber of Other BuildingsTotal Number of BuildingsHOUSING TAX CREDITS AWARDOriginal Award DateCredit AmountOriginal SourceAnnual Credit Authority (9%)Tax Exempt Bond (4%)NextDEVELOPMENT PROGRESS - CONSTRUCTION STATUSHave building permits been obtained?YesNoIF YES, Date site work began% CompleteHas construction begun on any building?YesNoIf yes, enter construction start dateIf no, enter expected construction start dateIf yes, % completeIs construction complete?YesNoEnter date of completion/expected date of completionHas the development been placed in service?YesNoIF YES - Date first Certificate of Occupancy was issuedEnter expected date of 8609 requestIF NO - Enter expected placed in service dateIf all buildings have PIS, please upload a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy for each building. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 15 files. Attach a copy of the Building/Unit Setup form for each building that has been issued a Certificate of Occupancy. (This is only required once all buildings have PIS.) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 15 files. PreviousNextDEVELOPMENT PROGRESS - DEVELOPMENT STATUSEnter the name of the Permanent Financing LenderHas the permanent financing closed?YesNoEnter the closing/expected closing dateEnter the name of the Syndicator/InvestorEnter the expected price per tax credit dollarHas the syndication financing closed?YesNoEnter the closing/expected closing dateEnter the name of the management entityHas the development begun leasing units?YesNoIf yes, enter the number of units leased upEnter the leasing start/expected leasing start dateIs the development completely leased up?Yes, the development is %100 leased upNoNo, the development is expected to be leased up by:DatePlease provide an explanation for any delays with commencing or completing construction, clsoing permanent/sydication financing, or obtaining final certificate of occupancy.Attach additional/supporting information as necessary. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. PreviousNextACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CERTIFICATIONI hereby certify that the above information is true and accurate.Prepared by:Date:Phone:Email a Copy of This Report To:A copy of this report will be sent to this email address after hitting the "Submit" button.Submit